Finding Magic in the Mundane

Ebury Street, Belgravia, London

We’ve made it through January replete with snow, arctic vortices, upsetting headlines and travel woes. Let’s make February different. How about shifting our perspective more to the present and injecting magic into the mundane. Case in point: a trip to the post office.

Les Senteurs in Belgravia, London

I walk through a biting wind and sloshy sleet to buy stamps. Sounds fairly mundane, right? As I fight with my umbrella (it pops the wrong way out) in the wind, I laugh. That brief moment of engaging my cheek muscles reminds me to smile. It’s simple and has the power to shift everything. So I smile. I look up at the beautiful, brick façades in Belgravia. A man in a parka cruises by on a bike.

Cyclist cruising by No 38, Blo Chelsea Green Salon and Luxe + Hardy in Belgravia, London

Some seriously stylish women glide along the glistening pavement in luxurious fur. I fear they will get doused with paint but nothing happens. They soon disappear leaving only a trace of oudh in the chill. Silvery olive trees quiver. Vans and taxis stream by. The odd music of suitcase wheels rolling over grit accompanies tourists heading to the local hotels. I listen. I see. I smell. I smile. I feel calm and happy. My face is freezing but my heart is toasty.

Peggy Porschen in Belgravia, London

It’s all beautiful. When you are mindful of the present moment, you can truly appreciate its magic. Try it the next time you’re going through what seems mundane. See how your spirit quiets within and life feels simply good.


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